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Program Overview

Personalized program focusing on the academic, social emotional and spiritual development of each student.


Small class sizes with content area expert teachers provide a high degree of differentiation according to students' learning styles and particular strengths. Students pursue a rigorous course of study in core curriculum consisting of exceptional academic and faith formation programs.

The core of our programming prepares students for advanced study at high school level by daily instruction in:

English Language Arts (ELA)

Middle School ELA is a combination of literature, writing, grammar, and vocabulary. Students read both in the classroom and independently, write across a variety of genres, and discuss their ideas with classmates and friends. Students read novels as well as a collection of stories, poems and works of nonfiction. Students get experience writing essays, creative pieces as well as a formal research paper. 


Middle School Math will be focused on a rigorous program to support three important building blocks of Mathematics. Students will work on Conceptual Understanding, Procedural Fluency, and Application of Knowledge.  Students will have opportunities to expand their abilities to problem solve increasingly complex mathematical concepts as they progress from Pre-Algebra through Algebra.


In the Middle School Science Program, students are active learners in the lab. They explore scientific concepts by using observation, inquiry, and experimentation. Students are encouraged to ask questions and investigate real-world problems. The well-equipped lab provides everything students need to complete hands-on projects. When visiting the science lab, you will see students moving about the room, both independently and collaboratively studying a scientific phenomenon, forming a hypothesis, and testing the hypothesis through trial and error.

Grade 6: Earth and Space Science
Grade 7: Physical Science (Physics and Chemistry)
Grade 8: Life Science (Biology, Ecology and Zoology)

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" 
-Carl Sagan 

Social Studies

In the Middle School Social Studies Program students are inspired to become interested in the lives of people around the globe and to deepen their understanding of international events. They become historians who study primary and secondary sources; studying ancient civilizations and events that shaped US history from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement. They develop skills in writing, reading maps, rights of citizenship and how to participate in a democracy.
Students will complete several projects throughout the year designed to develop research skills, problem solving, teamwork and creativity. Students also have many opportunities to practice public speaking and presentation skills.

Grade 6 - World Geography
Grade 7 - Ancient History
Grade 8 - Civics and US History Part II

Highlights of the Middle School Social Studies program are; Veterans Day Prayer Service, Mock Trial, Geography Bee, Cultural Night and trips to Washington, DC, New York City and Philadelphia.


The Saint Paul Middle School Spanish program provides an introduction to Spanish, including an extensive coverage of everyday vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and essential structures of grammar. Special focus is placed on present and past tense conjugations, pronunciation, and Spanish speaking cultures. Students develop competence and confidence in Spanish as they learn to express themselves, writing and speaking in real-life situations. They learn about the Spanish-speaking world through readings, presentations, music, art and projects.

“Saint Paul’s middle school’s academic programing has given our son the opportunity to build a strong academic foundation, challenging him intellectually and spiritually to help reach his full potential.  St Pauls’ also provides a very strong extracurricular program, including sports and performing arts which has provided our son with the opportunity to explore his many interests.” 

- Cathy and Timothy Shyne