Annual Fund
Tuition alone does not cover the cost to educate a student at Saint Paul School. The Saint Paul School Annual Fund provides flexible, immediate, unrestricted funds to assist in bridging the gap between tuition and the cost of educating each student while keeping tuition increases to a minimum.
The Saint Paul School Endowment Fund exists to benefit the long-term fiscal health of our school. The Endowment Fund is a restricted fund. The monies are invested and only the investment earnings are used to support the school. All donations are tax deductible.
Matching Gifts
Many companies have a matching gift policy that may double a contribution to Saint Paul School by an employee. Your company’s human resources department may provide the necessary information and matching gift forms.
Planned Giving
Planned gifts represent a special type of support that benefits you, the donor, and Saint Paul School. Often a planned gift allows you to maximize your contribution and provides specific tax advantages.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
At Saint Paul School, we are committed to providing a Catholic education for any student who wants one, regardless of financial circumstances. Tuition assistance is critical to many of our families. Thanks to donors, we are able to provide both planned and emergency financial aid to families in need.
We are so grateful to our benefactors for setting up Scholarships for our students to honor the legacy of their loved ones. Our school community prays for our benefactors and their intentions often and at each school liturgy.
Brick Walkway

In celebration of Saint Paul School serving area students and families for over 70 years, we invite you to be part of our community walkway and ensure the legacy of Saint Paul School carries on for another 70 years. These bricks will create a welcoming pathway at the entrance of the school to commemorate a shared history of Saint Paul School that paves the way for the future. This walkway is a reminder that we do no walk alone.
By donating a brick to our walkway, you will have the opportunity to celebrate your family’s commitment to SPS, to honor a loved one or graduate, or to make a memorial donation. The support of our community is critical as we strive to provide excellence in Catholic education.