Before During and Afterschool Programs
Saint Paul School is pleased to offer over 30 Before and After School Enrichment Activities and ‘During School Clubs’ for the students of Saint Paul School.
"I was pleasantly surprised to see all of the different afterschool enrichment options SPS offers, even for the little ones. My son took part in quite a few during Preschool and Pre-K, and always came home beaming about the latest holiday project he made with Ms. Fasano or the cupcakes he helped bake himself. It was awesome to know that while I was finishing up work on those days, he was having fun, getting some extra time with his teachers or principal, and gaining some new skills. We both would recommend it!"
- Kelly and Gregory Webber
Afterschool Enrichment
Book Club
Gingerbread House Fun
Liturgical Dance
Musical Theatre Program
Newspaper Club
Paul Effman Music - Band Instrument Lessons
Running Club
Student Council